Would you like to know the mistakes most businesses make with PR and how you can avoid making them?

Join my Mastermind on 2nd May at 8pm entitled “The 3 mistakes most business owners make when it comes to PR” 

At the end of this Mastermind I will award participants with some prizes from my Perfect PR Challenge and also give more information about my latest course too.

The Perfect PR Challenge – How to find your perfect match?

Taking you from PR puzzle to PR precision to ensure that you are doing everything in the correct way to drive more sales into your business from your PR and marketing.

Would you like to know how to attract your perfect client and to drive more of the right sales into your business through PR?

Perhaps you have already had press coverage but it hasn’t really resulted in an increase in sales or clients?

Have you dismissed PR as a nice to have rather something that can really drive your business forward?

Join my free challenge where I will take you through step by step how to target your ideal client through PR to ensure you find your perfect match.

My name is Sarah Stephens (nee Gormley) and I am a PR and marketing expert, luxury travel specialist, lecturer and advocate for life after child loss.

A PR and Marketing expert I have over 20 years experience of PR and marketing in various industries but mostly in aviation, travel and hospitality, winning multiple awards. I have had my own boutique PR agency for the last 12 years.

I am an associate lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School and wrote a sales and marketing course for them last year that was the best the examination board had seen in a Management Diploma.  I now continue to deliver lectures on innovation and creativity in entrepreneurship and tourism entrepreneurship for the university too.

I now take all of this knowledge and use it to help independent entrepreneurs like you to do your own PR and marketing. 

Join me on this free challenge where I will take you step by step through how to target your ideal client over three days from 25-27th April at the end of it I will do a Mastermind on 2nd May entitled “The 3 things most business owners do wrong when it comes to PR”.  At the end of this Mastermind I will award participants with some prizes and also give more information about my latest course too.

Click here to sign up to my mastermind and challenge today