Cut through all the waffle learn exactly what you need to implement marketing wise to ensure that any PR, sales or social media activity you do will be a success. I help people to grow their businesses through PR.
“I got so much out of it! I’ve done a lot of courses before but I now have an easy structure to take my business forward. I had tried getting into the Metro for a good few years but once I worked with you and adjusted my copy it finally happened! Thank you”
Sandra Palmer – Sustainable Swimwear designer and retailer
These days’ lots of us have multiple businesses or a full time job plus a side hustle or even children they have to fit a side business around. Life can be tough enough without hearing about how you should be marketing your business more and driving sales.
Perhaps you feel you don’t have time to spend on marketing your business or are unsure exactly what of the many things people talk to you about you should actually focus on?
Maybe you’ve done a course on sales, another on PR and another on branding but are unsure how it all fits together so you can utilise this knowledge to drive some real results?
“If you’re looking to learn more about PR and marketing this is the course for you! Sarah delivers information in a structured and clear manner and tailors her advice to individuals, including examples and ideas for different types of businesses. You’ll learn so much!”
Laura Hirst – Sleep therapist
What is it that will help you to drive results and more sales for your business? Do you know?
What is it that will help you to drive results and more sales for your business? Do you know?
People may have told you that you need to do PR because PR can drive sales and raise brand awareness and it can but it is important you have all the other marketing fundamentals in place first otherwise where will you be sending people, how will the business convert and make sales? Get these fundamentals in place then when you decide to PR your business the results will be more likely.
Lots of people talk about consistency but you need to be consistently doing the right things. Are you?
Are you trying to implement advice you’ve been told from different experts then do it for a few weeks or months before deciding it doesn’t work then moving on to try the next bit of advice from the next expert?
STOP I can help you to fit all the pieces of the marketing jigsaw together so you deliver real results and ensure that when you are ready to PR yourself and/or your business you have the marketing fundamentals in place to ensure your efforts deliver real sustained results.
My name is Sarah Stephens (nee Gormley) and I am a PR and marketing expert, luxury travel specialist, lecturer and advocate for life after child loss.
A PR and Marketing expert I have over 20 years experience of PR and marketing in various industries but mostly in aviation, travel and hospitality.
I am an associate lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School and wrote a sales and marketing course for them last year. I now deliver lectures on innovation and creativity in entrepreneurship and tourism entrepreneurship for the university.
I am now NLP practitioner qualified which means I can also help you overcome limiting beliefs and any unwanted habits that are preventing you from moving forward.
I now take all of this knowledge and use it to help independent entrepreneurs like you to do your own PR and marketing.
People who have done the course before were asked what their favourite part was –
“Finding different ways to market and use PR I hadn’t thought of”
“I finally understand my customers and where to find them. I have a plan to go forward.”
One size doesn’t fit all so it’s important to do what will maximise the results for you and your business and I can help you with this. Consistency is key but also that every element of your marketing strategy works together.
The course includes –
Marketing and PR overview
How to position yourself in the marketplace
Branding – what is right for you
Marketing Strategy – what should this look like?
Pricing – how to determine what or how to charge?
Messaging – How to talk to your customers?
PR and social media – Deciding what will work best for you
What did previous participants find most useful?
“Working on my copy, having a weekly posting structure.”
“Having the confidence to do lives and put myself out there because I have structure and I know what I want to say!”
“PR Ideas”
The course is –
- Six hour long sessions with exercises included
- Is recorded to work through in your own time
- Have access to a one to one NLP infused with Sarah afterwards so she can help you get the maximum from it
- Access to Facebook group for support
Each session will –
- Come with a workbook too so you can make notes during/afterwards.
- Have an opportunity for questions and answers via the Facebook group
- Contain a task to complete to ensure motivation and give an opportunity for feedback too
Purchase now
- Standard course that you can complete in your own time
- PLUS an NLP infused one to one with Sarah!
Pay £195 today!